(Photo source: Democrats Abroad)
Since this is a non-commercial blog, this is not paid political advertising. And since I'm a Democrat, newly active in "Democrats Abroad," I can tout the advantages of voting Democratic all I want to, without worrying about equal time for other parties.
But since I want to be read by a wide range of nationalities, persuasions, and parties, I hereby provide a link to that other principal American party, the party of George W. Bush. Go ahead and vote for them if you dare.
For Americans abroad - all six million of us - Democrats Abroad offers one HUGE advantage over the Republicans: the chance for votes to be counted as a block. Thanks to votefromabroad.org, an overseas American registered with Democrats Abroad can have their votes for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards - and whoever else will be in the Democratic race by early February - counted as the "51st State."
What's more, the Democrats Abroad primary can be accomplished over the internet. Now, if you've ever experienced the frustration of not receiving your home state absentee ballot in time, or having your mail back to the States delayed, or having your strange postmark from overseas disqualified by a hometown poll worker, the "VoteFromAbroad" 21st century approach is the solution.
There, I've done it. Party political broadcast from "Avuncular American," Democrat and proud of it. But please, overseas Americans, just be sure to vote.