Somehow, when I responded to an invitation from an internet acquaintance (strictly professional!) to join one of the many social networking groups out there (it doesn't matter which one - I think), I got looped into "McCain Nation." Now, for a lifelong Democrat, member in good standing of Democrats Abroad Belgium, and early Obama supporter, this is rich. Plus I keep getting invitations to McCain events like watching the Republican Convention from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Remember, Avuncular American lives in Brussels, Belgium, Europe.
So I clicked on the link which says "Please visit this page if you want to be removed from this email list."
I did. And these are my choices: "Reasons for Unsubscribing:"
O I am a McCain Supporter but don't wish to be contacted until closer to the election
O I am a McCain Supporter but I am receiving too many emails. Please only send me newsletters
O I am a McCain Supporter but do not wish to receive email any longer
O I am no longer a McCain Supporter and want to be taken off the email list
Which, to my mind, is like that age old question, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
Since I don't fit into any of the above categories (why don't they have a choice, "I have never been a McCain Supporter, never will be a McCain Supporter, and I am afraid that being on your email list will forever scupper my chances of being named to the Obama White House as Assistant to the President"), I am just going to leave it be rather than imply that I am getting too many emails, but that otherwise I want to vote for the man who thinks Iraq borders Pakistan. Note to the Obama Campaign: "I have never been a member of the McCain Nation nor any affiliate of..."
But I did learn something interesting from the McCain website: there's a pull-down menu of many, many "Coalitions" which support Senator McCain:
- American Indians for McCain
- Americans with Disabilities for McCain
- Arab Americans for McCain
- Environmental Stewardship Coalition
- Racing Fans for McCain
- Women for McCain
- and many more
I have to wonder whether "Women for McCain" include some of the embittered Clinton supporters that Susan Faludi described recently in the New York Times (they probably are not the same people behind the wonderful parody site "Women4McCain" which was called to my attention by an "alert reader"). Or whether "Arab Americans for McCain" have really considered his policy for dealing with their brethren in the Middle East. But of course we know why the "racing fans" are for McCain.