Apologies to Gabriel García Márquez ("100 Years of Solitude") for the title of this post. Trump's first 100 days have been anything but literature, unless you're into comic books. I found "words that end in tude" thanks to Freedictionary.com, and I was tempted to use "crassitude" or even "turpitude." God knows there's been a daily dose of crass, and the turpitude, well, the FBI is looking into that.
But inaptitude, connoting unfitness, seemed particularly apt. (Not to be confused with ineptitude, though there's been a fair amount of that too).
If we've learned one thing since January 20, it is that the Orange One is spectacularly unfit for the office of President. And yet, he is (President, that is). And he's unhappy that the "ridiculous" yardstick of 100 days in office is being applied to his record thus far. However, who set the 100 day goal? From donaldjtrump.com, the "100 day Action Plan"
The list ends with "This is my pledge to you." Oh well, so who's counting? I personally hope some of these things take a 1,000 days, or maybe never ("cancel billions in payments to UN climate change programs").